
Contact us More +
0086-574-87200788 kevin@cndx56.com 607-608,B, Liyuan Shangdu, No. 201, Lantian Road,Haishu District, Ningbo, China
About Us Customs Clearance

1. Exportdeclaration: simple procedures. Convenient. Wide range of products: includingcloth, clothing, shoes, bags, leather products, plastic products, hardwareproducts, electronic appliances, toys, ceramics, furniture, bamboo, wood,rattan, handicrafts... and many more. Your company (factory) only needs to transfer theproduct name, quantity, weight, value, packaging form and other information toour company. Our company does not handle invoices and other documents, andneeds to provide the customer with a copy of the paper without customsdeclaration. Related procedures.

2. Import CustomsDeclaration: Various forms. Wide range of roads, including general tradecustoms declaration: import customs, dangerous goods, food, fruits and othercustoms clearance agents; air, sea, express, postal items, personal items, etc.

3. All-weatherone-stop service: The company not only acts as agent for customs declarationbut also for inspection and inspection. Certificate of origin (FA, CO),fumigation, disinfection, transportation, warehousing and other services.


Customs inspectionand inspection business operation process

1. For smoothcustoms clearance, please fill in the specific name, accessories and materialsof the goods. Do not just fill in the words accessories or samples.

2. The sendershould fill in the full name. The sender must sign the waybill and fill in theactual shipping date.

3. The expressshipping contract terms (responsibility scope, liability insurance maximuminsurance amount, and difficult items) are indicated on the back of the majorexpress company's waybill. Please read these terms carefully before sending.


1. Customsclearance should generally go through the following four steps, namely,declaration, inspection, taxation and release.

2. At present, allports have realized the paperless customs declaration process. The clientprepares the electronic documents in PDF format, requiring the documents to beclear and complete, and having the official seal of the business unit. Sincethe customs implements the paperless commodity inspection, it still needs todeclare normally, so it needs to provide Power of attorney for inspection, billof lading;

3. The agentcustoms broker uses the upgraded entry system for electronic entry.

4. Send electronicinformation to Customs and send electronic documents at the same time

5. Confirm thetariff amount after electronic return, use online payment to pay taxes

6. Customsconcluded the electronic release


Imported goods:first inspection, then customs declaration

1. The documentsrequired for the first inspection of the illegally determined commodityinspection are generally: customs declaration form, invoice, packing list,packaging certificate (illegally inspection can provide non-wood packagingcertificate). The first inspection of the legal commodity inspection ispre-recorded into the inspection document. City document system), it is alsonecessary to provide a power of attorney for inspection (the original isstamped with the official seal and the legal person's seal), and specialdocuments (such as 3C compulsory certification) are required for commodityinspection;

2. Generaldocuments required for post-declaration: customs declaration, original waybill,invoice, packing list, customs declaration, and relevant documents required tobe submitted according to the declaration requirements of imported goods, suchas: certificate of origin, automatic import license Certificate, dual-use itemcertificate, etc.;

3. After thecustoms clearance, the customs directly stamps the goods that are generallytaxed by the release regulations. The customs collects the tax bill (importduty, import value-added tax). After the tax is paid, the customs import goodsare processed after the customs clearance is completed. The customs clearanceprocess is all over.


Export goods:inspection

1. The HS taxnumber needs to provide the export customs clearance form (B). The customsdeclaration unit needs the exporter to provide the export goods replacementvoucher (or the receipt), the customs declaration letter (the original isstamped with the official seal and the legal person's seal), and the commodityinspection The bureau handles the renewal procedures and exports the goodscustoms clearance form (B).

2. Customsdeclaration: Provide basic customs declaration documents: original bill oflading, customs declaration form, invoice, packing list, customs declarationletter (original, stamped company chapter, legal person chapter). If it isnecessary to write off the foreign exchange verification, it is also necessaryto provide a verification form for export receipt. The accompanying documentsrequire the need for B to provide a customs clearance form for export goods.

3. After theCustoms clearance is released, the customs clearance will be carried out byelectronic information;


Notices for customsdeclaration and inspection business operations

1. The Customs Lawstipulates that the consignee of imported goods, the consignor of the exportedgoods, and the owner of the entry and exit goods are the duty payers of thecustoms duties. At the same time, it is also stipulated that enterprises thathave the right to operate import and export business and customs declarationenterprises that are approved for registration are also statutory taxpayers.

2. Don't fill inand fill in relevant information to ensure the data is accurate and theinformation is complete.

3. The Principal shall pay attention to whether thegoods of the countries or regions that have bilateral agreements with Chinarequire the preferential tariffs.
About Us
Ningbo Dingxin International Logistics Co., Ltd. is afirst-class international logistics company approved by the Ministry ofCommerce.Registered capital is 5 million yuan.The company is mainly engaged ininternational logistics of sea, air and land transportation, and integratedlogistics services of warehousing and transportation.The company's operationalheadquarters is located in Ningbo, with offices in Shaoxing, and also has acooperative company in Shanghai.

607-608,B, Liyuan Shangdu, No. 201, Lantian Road,Haishu District, Ningbo, China
Specific business please contact our division for detailed consultation
Company:Ningbo Dingxin International Logistics Co., Ltd.
Postal code:315000
QQ :2851912777
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